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Zaptec: secured patent on charging technology

  • Sector: Infrastructure
  • Date: May 2, 2023

  • Company: Zaptec is world-leading on smart charging systems for electric cars in housing co-operatives, businesses and at home.

Zaptec has been granted a patent application for phase balancing that protects the charging technology. The technology enables a more cost-effective operation of large facilities that charge several electric vehicles simultaneously, with better use of electricity and faster charging speed.

The technology is called dynamic phase balancing, and it means that we utilize all three conductors that carry electricity, says Peter Bardenfleth-Hansen, CEO of Zaptec. If one conductor is occupied or overloaded, the charging system switches to another conductor and utilizes the electricity better there. Since electricity is a fresh commodity that must be used at the same time it is produced, getting more electricity to a housing co-operatives or company building will take a long time and cost a lot of money. With our new patented technology, we can utilize all available electricity in the building, explains Bardenfleth-Hansen.

This patented technology demonstrates Zaptec’s leading role in infrastructure development for AC chargers, which will be a crucial competitive advantage for us in Europe, concludes Bardenfleth-Hansen.