It has been many years since the first thoughts about a wind farm in this area occurred. We are pleased to initiate the project, says Per Ove Skorpen, CEO at Norsk Vind.
The Egersund wind power plant is located at Åseheia and Kolldalsheia in Eigersund municipality, approximately 8,5 kilometers east of Egersund city.
The project will be finalized by the end of 2017. Egersund wind power plant consist of 33 wind turbines (3,4 MW), and will have an installed capacity of 112,2 MW.
Annual production will be about 395GWh, which is equivalent to the annual consumption of 20.000 norwegian households. The Egersund wind power plant is going to cost around 1,2 bilion, and will be finalized by the end of 2017.