Heaten develops and builds Very-High-Temperature Heat Pumps (VHTHP-technology) in megawatt-scale, which can recover heat that is traditionally lost in processes to various industrial customers.
Heaten is the owner of the leading VHTHP technology, known as the HeatBooster. The technology utilizes industrial waste heat, increases energy efficiency, and enables significant decarbonization by replacing fossil-fueled heat supplies with electric power for industries sectors such as food, plastic, pulp and paper, breweries, and drying processes.
Together with the world’s largest independent company for engine development AVL, Heaten has developed and designed a Megawatt-sized heat pumps using the current, proven technology platform. The highly flexible and efficient piston-based compressor and its family of 4–16-cylinder based heat pumps leverages existing Heavy Duty combustion engine infrastructure for high volume production at low cost.
The Heatbooster has successfully delivered steam or hot water at process temperatures up to 200 °C. Heaten thus enables the electrification of heat supply to heavy industrial sectors, as the most important market demand globally is in the temperature range 80-200 ˚C.
Today, the industry represents one third of the total energy consumption. 74% of the industrial energy consumption is used for thermal energy, of which 90% is based on fossil fuels. Heat pumps will play an important role in producing heat energy for industrial processes. Heaten’s products have tremendous potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and can become an essential component in decarbonizing industry processes.
– Valinor